We have extensive training
We make smooth precision approaches
We get up and stay up for hours
We never resign. If we do we crash
We know how to push all the right buttons
We use crew resource management
We have good hand - eye coordination
We can go upside down, right side up, and all around
A little turbulence makes things interesting
Suck, Squeeze, Bang, Blow aren't just the 4 cycles of an engine
We can go with or without seeing (VFR vs IFR)
We like to go fast
High thrust capabilities
We know a bunch of different manuevers
We know all the fun places
High manifold pressure and high RPM make for a good climb
Unusual attitudes are fun (angles/position not moods)
Mile high club
Commercially rated pilots do it better due to more practice and experience
Oh yeah, We're Pilots.
Nuff said.Kick the tires and light the fires. Owe!